My first pieces

I love knitting small projects and experimenting on different pieces and patterns. Here you have some of my experiments:

My first baby hat


My first baby blanket


My first baby cardigan


My first baby cardigan knitted from top to bottom


My first baby dress


My first baby vest


My first baby shoes and headband


My first baby toys


My first stress ball


My first baby cardigan with hearts


My first skirt


Knitting with hearts – how it started

It all started a couple of years ago…

Knitting and other crafts have been part of my therapy in the recent years. Although I learned basic knitting stiches and a few other things from a very young age, I had never put it into something useful, and that knowledge was just stored in the back of my mind… for ages!

After a sad life changing moment, I have then started knitting as a way of relieving my anxiety, and it seems to be working as I am managing to be away from pills!! I hope this and other hobbies work as a therapy for other people too…

This was my first knitting project, a baby blanket for a friend who was expecting her second baby.

I also did a few more things for her:


Since then, I have been knitting much more, mostly for babies, and my favourites are baby hats with hearts.

… and that is how it started!