Knitting with hearts – how it started

It all started a couple of years ago…

Knitting and other crafts have been part of my therapy in the recent years. Although I learned basic knitting stiches and a few other things from a very young age, I had never put it into something useful, and that knowledge was just stored in the back of my mind… for ages!

After a sad life changing moment, I have then started knitting as a way of relieving my anxiety, and it seems to be working as I am managing to be away from pills!! I hope this and other hobbies work as a therapy for other people too…

This was my first knitting project, a baby blanket for a friend who was expecting her second baby.

I also did a few more things for her:


Since then, I have been knitting much more, mostly for babies, and my favourites are baby hats with hearts.

… and that is how it started!






2 thoughts on “Knitting with hearts – how it started”

  1. Fantastic blog… and beautiful initiative! Keep going! I have the pleasure of experimenting the stress ball and my son Matias looks gorgeous with his cardigan


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